Every choice and action we take helps to mold our health. Some activities we do are great for our health while others are working against us. We get into routines without even knowing it, and these could be the culprit of why we are not feeling our best. To have complete control of our health, we need to evaluate and exclude anything that is not beneficial to our health. To start to a look at the following activities that are damaging our life expectancy.



Being sedentary is doing absolutely nothing for your health. Think about your day. Do you go from your bed to your desk chair to your couch and then back to your bed? This is a sedentary lifestyle. We need to move our bodies and stretch our muscles. You may not be able to change the fact that your job is at a desk, but you can change how you act at your desk. Set a timer and get up and move every hour, do some stretches or lunges to get your blood moving. Another option, if your employer will allow it, is an adjustable desk. They can go from a sitting position to standing with the push of a button. Avoid the couch once home if your workday is spent sitting. It is all about balance.


Excessive Snacking

Set a limit on the snacks, you allow yourself to consume each day. When boredom hits, the first move we make is to the kitchen. Overeating is never going to be good for your health. Stay healthy by choosing your snack times and items carefully. Keeping a list of everything you eat during the day is an excellent way of figuring out if you are snacking too much between meals. Once you see where your trouble times are, you can avoid the kitchen or adjust your meals. Keeping healthy snacks available will help you stay out of the chip bags.



Sleep is one of the easiest things you can do to stay healthy. Sleep deprivation will damage most areas of your body. Most importantly, your cognitive abilities. When life gets busy, the first thing we tend to sacrifice is our sleep. We stay up later or get up early to try and accomplish more each day. Getting your eight hours a night needs to be one of your top priorities. Even with more hours in a day, you will not accomplish as much if your body does not get the rest it needs. It will not be able to function at its best without it.



We are composed chiefly of water, which needs we need a lot of water. Our bodies begin to shut down when we are not getting enough water. A lot of our aches and pains can be attributed to dehydration. Nothing is a good substitute for water. Make is a game for every coffee or soda you drink you need to drink two bottles of water.

Stay healthy by changing your behaviors.

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