When you have a family to worry about, your health tends to take a back seat. Leaving the family behind is not the only option to getting a workout out and staying fit. There are many activities that you can do to stay healthy and stay with your family. It may take a little longer to get the same calorie burn, but you will be doing it with your family. Try switching up some of your favorite things to do together and bond over fitness. Start with these ideas.


Get Outside

Taking everyone outside is the first step in getting off the couch and moving. Once out with children, it is hard to stay sitting. Being outside is just begging for a game of tag or bouncing each other on a trampoline. Moving your body is always going to benefit you more than watching movies on the couch. The imagination is the limit once you break away from screens and have the space to play. When you have access to pools, take the opportunity to swim every chance you get. Swimming is a complete body workout you can get while playing in the water. The kids won’t even know they are exercising.



While getting outside, take a walk around the neighborhood. It may be a slow walk depending on the ages, but the more they do it, the better everyone will do. Bring a jogging stroller around for the littlest in the family. Another great idea is to ride bikes to the parks and trails close to your home. Anywhere you can take the chance to ditch the car and ride your bike. Not only will it save you money in gas, but you will also be burning the calories you are missing out on at the gym. If you are not a bike trailer type of person, check out Bunch Bikes. They make cargo bikes your kids can sit in front of you while you get your exercise in.



Dance parties are not just for the club. They are for the family. Turn off the movies and turn on the tunes. Families should always take the time to dance together. Before you know it, you will be producing a sweat. Music and dancing can make the cleaning of the house fly by, or it can be a great way to celebrate. Either way, make it a staple in your home to get up and dance. The fun in your home will increase, and the pounds will decrease.



Sports are a great way to work out. Teach your family your favorite sport and play together. Bring in others to make it even more enjoyable. Starting them young will make it easier to continue as your family ages and grows. Make exercise and sports something you love to do together by not making it too competitive. Break a sweat and build a bond with those you love.


Working on your health is a family activity.

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